One of our personal favorites took place on April 1st 2022 Live from Allen's Sport Bar in Tipton where 7 incredible matches took place in front of a ruckus crowd, here is what went down:
Man Like DeReiss electrified the crowd in a highly intense opening contest against Kian Kelly, The Fox still looking for his first victory in BCCW after DeReiss picked up the victory.
The B.D.K in the form of The Devils Rejects, MJ Grayson & The Man They Call Wesker were in force and form again as Luke Basham & Carson Bailey were not able to overcome the numbers once again.
Eddie Cobain rose to the occasion as the injured RC Chaos sat down at the commentary table to watch Regan successfully defend the King of the Division Championship in a hard hitting contest, after the bell RC Chaos was further injured at the hands of Steven Keane & Regan in Martin Hollands absence, more to come on this story as it develops...
A grudge that James Mason did not even know existed for his debut match in BCCW against CJ Rawlings who was not shy in putting across his point of view on social media, this continued in the match but ultimately the veteran that he is got the victory and James Mason being the man that he is showed his sign of approval by offering the hand for CJ Rawlings to shake after the contest.
Money Mountain also made their debut to take on the undefeated ClarkeWard and although for a lot of the contest it did look like it was going to be Sash that took away the Cash at the end of the night, the Clarkes still are undefeated in tag team action!
In our final debut of the evening Aluna Blue made an impression that will last on our BCCW fans and roster as she took Lucia Lee to her very limits before falling short after more B.D.K involvement, The Bastard Son Bevan got a slap for good measure but post match delivered a vicious spear to Aluna Blue just as Lucia Lee was singing her opponents praise.
The Main Event of the evening saw Lee Hunter and Lucas Casmere's scheduled match become a triple threat match when Dan Moloney bid his time and injected himself into the main event, what a match it was and in such an open contest which could of gone one of three ways, Lucas Casmere was feeling froggy enough to pick up the victory over two of the best that British wrestling has to offer!
DeReiss came to the aid of Dan Moloney once all was said and done and after a quick reset Dan Moloney picked up the microphone and as The 0121 stood in the middle of the ring they made it clear and set their sites on ClarkeWard. The Twins came to the ring and happily accepted the challenge from the hottest tag team in British Wrestling today and on April 29th at Showdown in Sedgley we have one huge main event!
Tickets are available by clicking the match graphic below: